韶华陶板是以天然陶土为原料,经过高压挤出成型,高温烧制而成,具有绿色环保 、无污染、无辐射、色泽温和等特点。

Corrugated panel No.7
Corrugated panel No.7

Ripple panel is an emerging decorative material, with a three-dimensional and smooth shape, colorful colors, and a mainstream decorative material for creating a beautiful living space environment. It is a new generation of products in the decorative material industry. Corrugated panels are processed in various thicknesses and specifications of stainless steel, titanium grooves (corners), and semicircles (commonly known as "edging"), suitable for indoor and outdoor lightboxes, advertising signs, sealing edges, door clips, etc.

Flat clay board No.40
Flat clay board No.40

The design structure of flat clay panels is reasonable and simple, which can greatly meet the local design needs of curtain wall trimming and closing. The installation is simple and convenient, and whether it is the plane, corner or other parts, it can maintain the continuity, nature, and beauty of the curtain wall facade.

Ceramic Brick No.12
Ceramic Brick No.12

Ceramic bricks are actually a type of clay bricks, mainly solid bricks! It is a product of continuous product optimization and upgrading of traditional skills. Ceramic bricks are usually made of high-quality clay or even purple clay fired at high temperatures, with natural clay as the main component and quartz, feldspar, and other aggregates as aggregates. After sintering, they form civil wall bricks. The properties of clay bricks belong to low-temperature bricks, with a firing temperature of about 800 ℃ and a high water absorption rate, generally between 8% -10%.

Circular louver
Circular louver

-Specification: 50x120mm - Length: 600-1800mm Ceramic Louver, also known as Ceramic Stick, Cube Ceramic. Generally installed on the exterior of suspended ceilings, glass curtain walls, and aluminum alloy windows, mainly to meet the requirements of shading, insulation, and exterior decoration of building curtain walls.

Irregular shaped clay board No.10
Irregular shaped clay board No.10

The relief molding process of irregular shaped ceramic panels involves cutting the cubic cylindrical clay material into rectangular ceramic panels. After splicing, patching, and leveling, the projected patterns on the white cloth are copied onto the ceramic panels using projection equipment. The entire ceramic panel is irregularly cut into ceramic panels of different sizes and shapes, maintaining the integrity of key parts of the pattern during cutting. Then, it is treated with anti moisture, sculpture, glazing, and matte glaze Dry and calcine to create a relief sculpture of a shaped ceramic plate. Thus, there is a natural and holistic feeling of returning to simplicity.



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Address: Industrial Park, Lushan City, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China